A comedic genius and legend, George Carlin, dies at 71

       Anyone who was a fan of George Carlin might wonder if he is looking down on us now and asking, "Can someone please send for my stuff" ? It was this kind of thinking, mere observations that many

of us took for granted on a daily basis that Mr. Carlin was able to thoroughly rip apart and make us
really think. He didn't simply write some jokes and go out on stage with the same humor that many
comics try to get a laugh from. You thought long, hard, and deep about what he was telling you. He 
made you want to question authority. Perhaps a "damn the man" type rant. George Carlin, who was the first to host Saturday Night Live over thirty years ago, died Sunday night of  heart failure  in Los Angeles at a Santa Monica hospital. He was 71. Much, much too soon for someone with his genius way of thinking. 

        Mr. Carlin had a history of heart problems. Over the course of the years he had three non-fatal heart attacks. He also had open-heart surgery several years ago.  You have to wonder if it is somehow ironic that he passed away now after years of  really denouncing God and religion. He often said that
his sole purpose here was for entertainment and he was just "here for the show". He had a strange
take on human life as well saying once in a radio interview that, "we're circling the drains as a species
and I'd like to see the drains get a little faster and a little shorter". While much of his act throughout
his career seemed to bring some sort of controversy, really, he was just speaking truth. He spoke and
joked about things that many of us don't always feel comfortable talking about. If you were thinking
it, he probably was the one to talk about it out loud and really make you use your mind. 

          George Carlin talks about how man does so much to fuck with nature and ruin the natural forms
of things, that when nature fights back with storms, floods, famine, and other miserable catastrophes, we get upset when we get kicked in the ass, and smacked in the nuts. He completely enjoyed that. I mean this comes from a man who had did acts with such names as, "You are all diseased", and "Life is worth losing". I personally think that much of his act after his wife passed away in 1997 might have been his
way of coping with that traumatic loss. He was married in 1961 and his wife, Brenda died of liver cancer a day before his 60th birthday. So I imagine that over these last 11 years, he must have been
quite bitter at life for taking the woman he loved for well over thirty years. 

            Maybe he is looking down now and thinking: "Ha, you COCKSUCKER, quit playing with your TITS, and 
SHIT, and go FUCK eachother. And remember to PISS after you finish with that CUNT, you MOTHERFUCKER." Of course, ironically, years after the famous seven dirty words act, you can actually say most of those words on television today. On June 18th, it was announced that the Kennedy Center would be honoring
George Carlin with an award, the Mark Twain prize for American comedy in November of this year. I
hope that they still give it to him posthumously. He deserves that respect. He will be missed terribly. There may be many younger people today that are not familiar with his work. Now would be a good time
to check out some of his DVDs. Timeless classics as I am sure they will be referred to as.  He once invented the religion, "Frisbeetarianism". This is where when you die, your soul gets flung onto a roof
and stays there and cannot be retrieved. Maybe when I look up on my roof I will see him there. Smiling back at me. Enjoying the toys that were left there by me as a child that I could never get back.


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